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You are designed to fail.

In the pursuit of a fulfilling and purpose-driven life, one of the most significant obstacles we encounter is our own limiting conditions. These conditions are the self-imposed barriers that hold us back, preventing us from reaching our true potential and embracing The Unlocked Path.

Limiting conditions are deeply ingrained thoughts and convictions that we hold about ourselves, our abilities, and the world around us. They often stem from past experiences, childhood conditioning, societal norms, or negative feedback we have received. These conditions act as mental constraints, shaping our perception of what is possible and what is not.

By cultivating a positive inner dialogue and seeking evidence of our capabilities, we can embrace The Unlocked Path and unlock the true potential within us. With the support of others and a commitment to growth, we can overcome limiting conditions and embrace the freedom that lies beyond them. As we continue on this journey, remember that self-awareness and self-compassion are powerful allies in conquering the barriers that stand between you and the life you envision.